Il Nicaragua ritorna a Orso Laboratorio Caffè richiamato dalla Sciamana e da tutti gli appassionati di questa intensa monorigine.


Country: Nicaragua

Quality: Natural – VP microlot

Farm/Washing station: Francisco Irene Olivera

Variety: Catuai

Location: Buenos Aires – Dipilto – Nueva Segovia

Altitude: 1500m

Farm size: 10 hectare

Close to the Honduran border (about 10km), lies Francisco Irene Olivera’s farm called “La Tormenta”. The coffee farm lies at an altitude around 1500m. On 10 hectares, he grows Caturra, Typica, Bourbon, red & yellow Catuai and Maragogype. La Tormenta is located on the slopes of La Picona mountain near the town of Buenos Aires in the Dipilto micro-region of Nueva Segovia. Before the year of the revolution in Nicaragua, La Tormenta was a family farm. Due to unpayable debts the family had to sell the land.

In 1999, Francisco Irene Olivera bought the farm from the bank. Back then, the farm hadn’t been maintained for a while and the plants were old. Olivera started replanting with new varieties on a 12 acre plot. Nowadays, he produces 200 quintals of parchment coffee, next to cassava, potato and corn. In 2011, his great attention to detail in picking and processing brought him to the 5th spot in the Cup of Excellence program with a washed Maragogype. In the second year we’re collaborating with Finca La Tormenta, we selected his natural processed Catuai and Maragogype lots.

The funky Maragogype lot is sold out in the meantime. The natural Catuai will blow you away with its intensely sweet red/blue fruit flavours. What distinguishes a good quality natural from a crap one for us is the presence of acidity. Even though the natural process greatly reduces acidity in a coffee, it is essential to preserve a bit to liven up all the sweetness in the cup profile. This natural Catuai stood out for us because of its profile that remunded us of ripe tree tomatos and black cherries. The mild acidity livens up the overal sweetness. Because of its full body, this coffee is perfectly suited for rich espresso shots.